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Writer's pictureゼイン ハムード



At the risk of sounding like the insanely pretentious fuck that I am, I'd like to ask a question; why?

It's such a fun question to ask. Here's a fun activity, if you ever wanna know how self-aware someone is, just ask them -without any context- "Why?" 9/10 times they'd look at you like you're an idiot and brush you off, but every once in a while, their subconscious takes over, and they'll answer with the thing that they're questioning the most. Could be about themselves, their occupation, marriage, the universe, or anything.

I like this question because I don't believe anyone has a factual answer to it. If you asked me What the time was I'd be able to tell you. If you asked me how I knew, I'd point at a clock. Now if you asked me, why? the time was, well, at first I'd look at you like you were an idiot, then I'd probably try to give you some smartass answer along the lines of, "Well, around 4000BC we started keeping time, and over the millennia, we've developed methods to track the cosmos and use different theories and sciences to accurately convey our findings into a system which is governed by multiple bureaus and scientific institutes which set the standard that we know as time today". But then I'd probably think to myself, "why?". Seriously tho, Why? I mean if we keep it a buck, no one on this planet knows if we're right or not. We decided we were right, We set the standard, and we created all the methods that we used to justify and prove our theories. So again, Why?

At the surface level, it sounds like a stupid question to be asking, until you realize every single person's answer is gonna be slightly or completely different. Ask a religious man why he believes in god, now ask an atheist why he doesn't. they can both list hundreds of different reasons why the other is wrong, in the end, neither of them can prove it.

Why do we live? Why do we die? again, both are very objective questions, do we live, yes, do we die, yes, but why? you'll get an infinite number of different answers, each more meaningless than the last.

Ever since I was a kid, I've always asked way too many questions, What can I say, I'm a curious guy, I'd ask questions about life, death, religion, myself, people, school, family, the future, the past, the afterlife. The weird thing is, the times when I felt the least satisfied, were when my questions were answered. It felt as if a door were being closed in my face. It never felt right. How did they get to that conclusion? What makes them so sure they're right? Is there more than one answer? based on what evidence are they answering? Is the evidence solid? what determines solid evidence? and most importantly,

Why do they have an answer??? Have they too been wondering the same thing? or have they been asked this question before? I mean it's not like they always knew the answer, we all come into this world knowing nothing, so when did they get the answer to this question? Then you realize that we've all asked the same question at one point or another, And we're all trying to find the answer that fits our agendas and satisfies our moral compass, though we probably aren't ever gonna know who's right and who isn't. No one actually knows what they're talking about, and no one can prove to you that you're wrong, and if they can, they're probably just as wrong as they say you are.

So, when you get out of bed today, ask yourself, Why? and if you find yourself satisfied with your answer, change it.

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if you ever wrote a book i would read it

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